Despite all the hurt and pain he caused me two years ago, I still would be willing to be there for him. Who am I talking about? My ex. We may have ended on a bad note but being angry, resentful, or hateful will not make the process of healing better. I was with him for five almost six years. Just because we broke up doesn’t mean I developed hate for him. That may have been the case for other women, but not me. He hurt me to the core, but I still do care about him, a breakup won’t change that. I can’t undo the love or the things I did or said to him because of a broken heart. I would be lying to myself if I said I didn’t have feelings for him. I used to care what my friends or family would think or say if I said I still loved him. I don’t care anymore because its not about them. Its about me and my healing process. I am tired of living for everybody else’s opinions or approval. That’s what made my breakup worse. Hearing what other people had to say regarding my relationship when I was already broken made it almost impossible to move on. Honestly, there is a part of me that will always have love and feelings for my ex. Always. Even though I am taking it one day at a time moving on I still do want the best for him. That’s just the type of person I am and I’m not going to apologize for that.

Yes, the relationship may not have ended the way you were expecting but having hate in your heart for an ex doesn’t do you any good. A lot of women allow other women to get into their heads about how they should feel towards there ex after the relationship has ended. Even though the may be a friend or relative not all advice is good advice. Some people like to see or hear about drama, others get a kick out of seeing you hurt especially if they are single because now there’s another single friend in the group, and others have a running mouth and can’t wait to tell your business. If you allow others to speak so negative about your past relationship and you continue to focus on the hurt your ex caused you, you will continue to suffer. If you focus on what you learned from that relationship and pray for nothing but the best for your ex you will continue to grow and be happy. It is normal if you still care about your ex. You had memories with this man. You shared your mind, body, and heart with this man. Its not easy to stop caring for someone you once thought was going to be your husband. As a child of God, you can’t have ill feelings towards your ex. Sometimes its better to love and care for that person from a distance. Growth and change can be painful, but God wants you to trust His process. When a good man comes in your life you will understand everything you went through with the ex was because God was preparing you for the new boo.

Written by secretlesssista

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